Security AuditingCRG is a founding member of the North American Security Products Organization (NASPO), and played a pivotal role in developing the ANSI/NASPO Security Assurance Standards.
CRG is one of four licensed US Auditors that perform security certifications for NASPO and ISO 14298, in both US and European facilities manufacturing high security products such as passports, credit cards, tamper evident tapes, security inks and more. |
Product - Solution ResearchCRG is regularly invited to participate in the high level Security Conventions in North America and Europe. CRG has attended hundreds of industry tradeshows, both as exhibitors and attendees.
As a result of active roles in the industry as well as participating in key industry events, CRG stays in touch with leading technologies and innovation (i.e., IoT – Internet of Things, Covert and Forensic security, RFID, Track and Trace, Adhesives, Packaging Technology, Polymer Chemistry and more. |
Strategy ManagementFrom Corporate security strategy planning to managing innovation transitions, CRG has acted in an external consultative and management role leading projects and associated vendor selction for implementations in the multi-million dollar range.
CRG is adept at blending its unique position in the marketplace to effectively match solutions to corporate needs in the security field. |